Iced Green Tea with Spearmint & Lime

Organic peppermint tisane, fresh lime and sparkling water make for a truly refreshing and caffeine free summer drink.

Makes 4 glasses

8 x Romon Nature Organic Peppermint Tisane teabags

Juice of 1 lime plus sliced lime for garnish

A fistful of fresh mint leaves – reserve some for garnish

150g Caster sugar

150ml water

Ice cubes

Sparkling water

Combine water and sugar in a saucepan. Cook over medium high heat until the sugar comes to a boil and dissolves. Add mint leaves, remembering to set some aside for the garnish. Mix the leaves around bruising and crushing them so that all of the mint flavor goes into the simple syrup. Let the syrup cool.

Meanwhile, boil a kettle of water, about 1 litre. Pour over the teabags and let the tisane steep in the hot water for about 5 minutes. Remove the teabags and let the tisane cool completely. Strain the mint leaves out of the syrup. Get your lime juice ready and reserve a few extra slices for garnish.

Combine the simple syrup and mint tisane mixture. Put the ice cubes, lime slices, some mint and half of the tisane in a glass jug. Top up with sparkling water. This is more to taste. The more you add, the less sweet the mixture will be.

Add some more mint, just because it looks pretty, and enjoy!

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